Tuesday, February 24, 2015

For me the hardest part of writing a blog post is the first sentence!! 
Where to start? 
And like so many I've read....They start out by saying something like.....
WOW ....HOW TIME FLIES.....Where have the days and months gone??
 So I know I am not alone when it comes to long stretches between blog posts!! 
Oh how I wish I were better at it....
.Oh how I wish I had the gift of writing.....of singing.....
of oh so many things!!! 
But here I am...just me....saying....

I am leaving in the morning to head up north to vend at the
Sewing and Stitchery Expo in Puyallup, WA.
It's a great show!!
Lots to see and learn!!
I hope if you are in the area you get a chance to come!!

By the time we return it will be March!!!
I love March!!
Its the start of new things....
a new season....and FLOWERS!!!

 It is also the month Jeff and I got married.
We planned our wedding in March because Jeff
was a high school teacher at the time and it was Spring Break!!
We got married on the FIRST DAY OF SPRING!!!
And of course it rained!!!
That was 39 years ago this year!!

Anyway...that was a rabbit trail....
speaking of rabbits, I have a new pattern out called
Chubby Bunny!!
It's not on my website yet but if you are interested
send me a message and I will make sure you get one so you can
get it made before Easter!!!

ANYWAY....as I was saying.....
and my point is......
that it's almost March....
which brings us to such a fun FREE event!!

Stacy West of Buttermilk Basin has so generously gathered
a group of us to be a part of a SPRING  THYME BLOG HOP!!

There will be recipes to try and projects to do!!
Get ready for some fun and follow along!!

March 1 - Quilts by Cheri
March 2 - Plumcute Designs
March 3 - Gail Pan Designs
March 4 - Woolen Willow Designs
March 5 - Ali Strebel Designs
March 6 - The Cottage at Cardiff Farms
March 7 - Sew Unique Creations
March 8 - Wooden Spool Designs
March 9 - Heartspun Quilts
March 10 - Notforgotten Farm
March 11 - Crabapple Hill
March 12 - Threadwork Primitives
March - 13 Buttermilk Basin
March 14 - Calico Moon

Each day Stacy will have a link to each participants blog so you can follow along!!

I know that a lot of you are having such a cold winter and I hope you are all finding ways to keep warm and hopefully a little time to stitch!!

Happy Hopping!! 


  1. It may have been a bit of time coming, but what a HAPPY post! Put a smile on my face. Love the bunnies & daffodils!

  2. Lovely photo's of bunnies and daffodils!And of course a happy couple!

  3. Love the Chubby Bunnie, how do I get a pattern

  4. Lorraine.....Chubby Bunny is available!!! Please email me at order@woodenspooldesigns.com and I can arrange to send one out to you!! Thank you!!


I love your comments.....but I no longer accept comments that are anonymous as I have been getting spam comments and it is messing up my computer.