Thursday, January 22, 2015

A New Year

Happy Late New Year!!! 
Wow January is almost over.....another reminder of how fast time goes by!! 
I hope you are all settled into 2015 and starting new wool projects!!! 

Coming February 26th - March 1 2015 
I will be vending and teaching a workshop 
at the Sewing & Stitchery Expo in Puyallup,WA
I would LOVE to see you there!!! 

Here is something to put on your calendars and look forward to!!

Also don't forget that Valentines Day is coming up soon!!

Come spend a day with me
 "Let's Make Hearts"
Tuesday February 10th 
10:00 - 3:00 

This will be a fun day of making wool hearts to fill a bowl with!! 
please email me if you are interested in attending!!

1 comment:

I love your comments.....but I no longer accept comments that are anonymous as I have been getting spam comments and it is messing up my computer.