Tuesday, September 7, 2021

 Ok so has it really been a year since I've been on my blog!!?? 

I must be having tons of fun if the saying time fly's when your having fun!!

No shows this last year and not much traveling.....back and forth to Oregon to visit the grandkids mostly which is actually the BEST!!!   

SO here I am again....Hope if you are reading this you are well and still finding time for stitching and for love of all things related to the craft!! Sewing, stitching, cross stitching, quilting. piecing, applique, cotton, wool, and anything else that keeps a needle and thread in your hand and in your heart!! 

Things are going by way too fast!! 

Does any body even read blogs anymore?? 

Here's what's NEW!! 

Father Christmas in on my website now!! 

Get the pattern, Get the kit and get him made for Christmas!! 

Father Christmas  

Happy Stitching!! 






1 comment:

I love your comments.....but I no longer accept comments that are anonymous as I have been getting spam comments and it is messing up my computer.