Monday, July 6, 2015

 I'm realizing that the older I get the slower I go and the behind-er I get!!
 Probably not the first time you've heard that.... but's seems to be true!!! 

What is it with that!!???

Moving into July and looking at my calendar towards
 the months ahead I can say that I need to get faster!!! 

We have had a warm summer here in Oregon so far!! 
Our temps have been very high for here!!
Lots of hot dry days with not much cooling down. 

I have been spending extra time outside 
watering the plants and the dogs!! 

I'm very thankful for the A/C on these days
especially when I dye wool all day!! 
I have a GREAT UPS MAN who will 
get this on it's way tomorrow!!! 

I  hope you are all enjoying your summer and finding time to do some stitching!! 
If you haven't liked me on Facebook yet check it out!!! 
Hope you all had a great fourth of July!! 

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I love your comments.....but I no longer accept comments that are anonymous as I have been getting spam comments and it is messing up my computer.