Monday, December 8, 2014

Good Monday Morning to all of you! 

I hope that you've been able to following along and are having a great time with
 A Primitive Christmas Blog Hop!!
Don't worry if you've missed a can just 
click on the logo for the line up and links to everyone's blogs. 

It's day eight of the hop!!!!!
Would that mean's HALFWAY over
 it's HALFWAY  to go!!?? 
 Would  that make this HALFTIME? 
Time to go get snacks???

SO GO GET YOUR SNACKS!!!!........its' OK.....I'll wait.....
but make sure to come right back!!!


Today I am about to burst with's my day to share!!!
It's common to hear that Monday's typically are not peoples most favorite day....
especially in the middle of winter!! 
Of course .....I guess that depends on which clock you live by and what season you live in....
but wherever you  are, I'm hoping to add some JOY to your day!! 

I have a very special friend named JOY whom I met when I was just out of high school. I met her at a time when I was young, insecure, and thirsty for a great friend!! She embraced that need with open arms and has never let go!! She has laughed, wept, and shopped with me, eaten pizza, chocolates, and drank with me. She's listened to me, witnessed my wedding, loved my children, and what else does a good friend do....
she stitches with me!!!  
She is my JOY of a friend! !!

While working on my project I thought a lot about how and what I see JOY in......
 and how I can better share JOY with others.

I love hand dyed wools and wool applique!!
When I see it, touch it, and stitch with it,
 it gives me JOY!!

"SO....with no further ADO....
Here is my little JOY banner for you"

 Click HERE to download 2 pattern pages
(alternate link)

This banner is super easy and doesn't take much time or wool at all!!
Make several of these banners and spread some JOY!

Now..... what better way to spread  MORE JOY
 around this season than to bake up some
 Favorite  Frosted Sugar Cookies,
package them up, and take them to a neighbor
 (FAST....before you eat them all!!)

click here to print recipe

I'm hoping by now you are all leaping with JOY to get started on this project!!!
But wait.....before you go....leave a quick comment
  randomly I will draw a name at the end of  this blog hop and send someone a
" bundle of JOY "
(aka - a kit for the JOY banner)

And don't forget to chuckle, laugh, and giggle!!! 
It's a JOYFUL bonus!!! 


Terri said...

Great post and project Debbie! LOVE the Joy banner!! Trying to decide if I can squeeze it in before Christmas. Hugs

Barbara said...

Thank you very much for a wonderful blog post. It sure made me smile. Also thank you fir the lovely banner pattern and the recipe. I will definitely be making the banner for my very special Friend and yes she is a stitcher just like me.

Gail said...

absolutely gorgeous!! thank you!

Unknown said...

Merci beaucoup ! C'est très joli !


Dawn said...

Thank you for an awesome freebie - can't wait to start stitching :-)

Lynn said...

This is just to cute.

Christine said...

Oh but this is beautiful! Can't wait to stitch it up for the holidays! Thank you do much for sharing your creativity with us and of course JOY!
Happy Holidays!

quiltsbycheri said...

I too am filled with an over abundance of Joy! Delightful banner!

Bev said...

Thank you for sharing. Such a cute banner!

susan hemann said...

such a wonderful post! Wishing you joy too.

Trish said...

Thank you so much for bringing some Joy to my Monday morning :) Love this blog hop! Merry Christmas!

Patti said...

Oh how lovely! I also have a best friend named Joy! And she happens to be my sister in law :)
Blessings Patti

rebecca said...

Fun banner project! Have a great Holuday Season!!

Kathy B. said...

Such cute banners - will definitely start stitching them - especially the bonus one. Thank you for both patterns and the recipe. Happy Holidays!

Barbara said...

One of the very best parts of blog hops like this is discovering awesome talented people and inspiring blogs, like yours! Wool applique is my addiction, and I love the patterns you've shared today. Thank you so much for sharing. Merry Christmas!

Christie said...

Loving this blog hop: I am meeting new people on it! It is so nice to meet you! Love, love, love your JOY banner!!! Thank you so much for sharing with us. And I also love your blog - will be adding it to my list of blogs to follow. I love all your stitchery. Have you noticed: I need to make a LOVE banner, thanks to you! Merry Christmas HUGS... and stitches

Kate said...

Sounds like your friend, Joy, lives up to her name! :) Thank you for the lovely pattern and cookie recipe - both are on my list of 'to do'. Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

I love your work. Thank you for sharing such a lovely pattern , your cookies look too pretty to eat !!! I will have to try those too ! Happy holidays !

Robyn said...

Thank you for the lovely pattern. I had an aunt named Joy who was also a joy. She was so full of life and laughter.

Susan said...

Wonderful banner. I collect things with joy, in all ways.i will be making this banner soon.. Thanks for the pattern.

Brenda said...

I love this cute JOY banner. Thanks for sharing this with us. Merry Christmas!

CantstopQuilting said...

The banner is adorable! The cookies look delious! Thanks for sharing!

lou said...

What a wonderful theme for the holidays! I really like your "Joy" banner and look forward to making this for a special place in my house. Best wishes! Lou

Rosemary said...

Thank you for the cute banner! Would love to win the kit!

Phyllis said...

Thank you for the sweet banner. Adding it to my list for next week. Merry Christmas.

Me and My Stitches said...

This blog hop is bringing plenty of Joy! Love your project and anything else with wool. We might have to try your cookie recipe this year at our family's annual bake-off! Thanks for sharing!

Jackie said...

I love your banner pattern and I would love the opportunity to win a kit to make it!! Thank you for sharing! Merry Christmas!

wendy said...

That is one of my favorite words! I have beautiful niece whose middle name is "Joy" and it suits her :) love the banner!

Judy D in Upstate NY said...

Cute little banner

wendy said...

Joy is one of my favorite words, my beautiful niece has that for a middle name and it suits her! Love the banner :)

Peggy said...

What a wonderful sentiment for this time of year and a year long! Thanks so much for the patterns! Merry Christmas

Angel said...

Love this little banner! And I so needed a prod towards JOY today! Thank you for sharing your lovely work.

Ann in PA said...

Thank you for the sweet "Joy Banner" pattern. I LOVE it! Thank you also for sharing the delicious cookie recipe.
Have a wonderful Christmas!

Peggy Erickson said...

I absolutely love this, for the past few days I have been full of Joy, my daughter is home after 2 1/2 years...She leaves tomorrow, but these past few days have made me think about how important it is to have Joy in your life everyday...Thank you so much for this pattern and this blog hop, it has been wonderful, I can't wait to see whats next!

paulette said...

I lovr the JOY banner...thank YOU sew much! Wishing you the best Christmas EVER...and I'll see you at Road to California!!

Anonymous said...

I love your Joy banner and the "extra" HoHo as well. Thanks for sharing. Christmas Blessings to you and your family.............

Jonette said...

Thanh you for the beautiful pattern!

Susie H said...

Your JOY Banner is beautiful and I love the HO HO HO one as well. Thank you for such a JOYful post!!!

threadbear said...

This is my favorite project on the blog hop so far! Thank you for spreading joy! ;)

Michelle said...

What a wonderful project snd tribute to your friend. Thank you

Adventures with CAB said...

Oh joy! What a wonderful idea to embrace. Thanks for sharing your frien

Unknown said...

I can't wait to start the project and your cookies look delicious! Thank you and have a very Merry Christmas!

~Kristie said...

Beautiful banner! Love this!!!!

Karen in Breezy Point said...

Very cute banner--thanks so much for an adorable design!

justme said...

thank you for all the JOY you gave me today by sharing with us. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and yours.

Steve Wilhite said...

Thanks so much for your thoughtful Christmas banner! I really enjoy seeing things that are about the true spirit of the season. Thanks for being willing to share your gifts with us! Sandi Wilhite

Charlotte said...

It was a "JOY" to read your blog post. What a great banner - sew cute - thanks for sharing.

May your holiday season be filled with joy.

Carrie P. said...

thanks for sharing the joy banner. love it.
those cookies sure do look yummy. merry Christmas.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the great pattern, its downloaded and I think I can squeeze on out before the holidays!!! Cathie G.

Marie said...

I do envy you, knowing how to dye wool, I love the items made with it but find it so expensive in the stores in Canada. Maybe someday I will venture in to the fun. Meantime, please enter me into your draw, it would be my pleasure to receive it.
Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

Wonderful project and thanks for sharing the story about your friend Joy. Everyone needs a buddy like that! Merry Christmas!

Donna Keating said...

Your projects are cool. Best wishes for the holiday season.

Unknown said...

Love your JOY! Following the blog hop has been so much fun. Thanks for sharing.

deb-bee said...

Even the lettering on your JOY banner looks joyful! This will be so much fun to stitch and add to my Christmas decorations this year. Thank you for your pattern and sharing your Joy. Debby (Wisconsin.)

sandy from BC said...

Thanks for spreading a little joy. Can't wait to stitch up this little banner.

Martha said...

Looking forward to making this JOY banner. Thanks for sharing!

Martha said...

Looking forward to making this JOY banner. Thanks for sharing.

Tdsvintagelife said...

This is so cute you are all so creative thanks for taking the time to provide us with such great projects. Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Seriously love your banner! Thanks for the chance to win a kit to make my second one :)

Kathy said...

I love your JOY! Thanks for the wonderful banner and the yummy recipe too. Christmas Blessings to your family!

Unknown said...

Love your pictures and very anxious to start the project

Kristy said...

What darling banners! Thanks so much. Looking forward to making this. K-

jefferson said...

Love the "ho-ho-ho" banner.

Unknown said...

Love your pictures and project, can't wait to start

Paula said...

How have I not found your site before? I love your designs! Thanks for sharing.

Vickie said...

Thank you so much for sharing! I love both banners! Sugar cookies are one of my favorite cookies ever!
Ho Ho Ho and Merry Christmas!

Diane said...

Thank you for the cute banner project. Looking forward to making it.
Diane R Stevens

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for the wonderful banner! I love it and can't wait to start stitchin"!
Wishing you JOY at this season.
Cheryl Bell

marie said...

I also have a good friend named Joy.
We now live on opposite sides of the USA and don't exchange gifts, but might have to make this for her.

Annette said...

This is a fun pattern. Thanks for sharing! I can't wait to get out the wool this afternoon and get started.

cyndi said...

This is sew dang cute! I am already deciding where to hang it. Have to get some wool out. Oh darn. Thanks for a great project.

PriviesAndPrims said...

Love this pattern! I too have a friend named Joy. She said people always give her things that say Joy. :)


Unknown said...

love your work, this is a beautiful banner. thanks for sharing with us.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
LaNelle said...

Gorgeous! I love the story of your best friend Joy we should all be so lucky to have true friendship like that & to cherish it....many blessings to you!

Jacqueline said...

I am so enjoying this hop. You guys are great to share so much with us followers.

Happy holidays to you and yours.

Unknown said...

Love the design, a little project for next year. Happy Holidays Anne E

Mary said...

What a cute banner! And perfect timing for the recipe. My daughters and I are taking a class on Sat on decorating cookies. I can't wait to get started on both!

Anonymous said...

Having so much fun with this Blog Hop!! Thank you for yet another great project! Love it!

Unknown said...

Your design fills me with JOY!
Merry Christmas!

Ronnie said...

Love your work thanks so much for sharing. Merry Christmas!

Colleen Freeman said...

Thanks for your cute banner pattern. I look forward to this blog every year and love to see everyone's creativity. Happy Holidays!

Sandi said...

Lovely design, thanks for sharing. My best friend gave her second daughter Joy as a middle name to honour her mother-in-law Joyce and each year finds a Joy ornament for her. The banner would be perfect for her.

Teresa S. said...

Joyful Monday, Debbie! I've been following your blog for a while and am working on Pear Medley. Love the idea of a banner-thanks for such a generous freebie!

Anonymous said...

I love the banner! Your work is awesome! Thanks for sharing and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Leeanne said...

LOVE!!!! The *JOY* banner is beautiful! One of my sisters names is Joy.

Marlene said...

I love your JOY design and the Ho HO HO!!! They will be lots of fun to make. Thank you!!!
Thank you for the give-away also if I win or don't win! :) Love the generous offer.

Nancy said...

Thank You so much for the great wool projects. I love to work with wool. I look forward to your blog. Nancy P.

Nancy said...

Thank You so much for the wool projects. I love to work with wool. I look forward to your blog. Nancy P.

Carrie ~ Cricketwood Prims said...

Thank you, Thank you for the joyful post! I love your banners, and Christmas cookies, so much fun, especially with the kids! Even when they are grown kids!
Merry Christmas and Joyful Holiday season.

Queen Bee's Musings said...

Love your blog and so glad to meet you. I will find myself following you as I love wool appliqués as well

linda said...

So glad to have found your blog! I will make at least 2 of these banners as gifts. Thank you so much. Now to scroll through your previous posts and be joyful.

Linda said...

Wonderful banner. Thanks so much!

Tiny said...

Thanks you for the beautiful banner ,I love it!!!!!
Have a nice holydays

Sally Hurst said...

Love your project and would love to win this kit!

sue bennett said...

great post. Thanks for the wonderful patterns.

Gayle said...

Thanks so much for spreading the JOY!

Linda said...

Thanks so very much for the Joy banner pattern. I love working with wool. This will bring double joy!225

Mary Jane said...

Couldn't help but smile when I saw your J-O-Y pattern can hardly wait to start it.

tmmw said...

I love the "JOY" banner. Thanks for the give-away. Looks like a fun project for next year!

Debbie Lou said...

Thank you for a delightful banner. It's adorable and looks fairly easy to put together.

Colleen said...

The Joy Banner is wonderful. Yesterday I came to the realization that looking at holiday decorations people in my area are displaying there seem to be a lot of folks with a large "JOY" display. And today, your post! I just might have to make this banner up ASAP!! Thank you!

TeresaM said...

How sweet!! Love the banner! Thanks so much!

heathquilter said...

I would love to make this banner for my son and his wife! thanks for sharing this darling project and recipe!!

Bigfootwallace said...

Thanks, Debbie, for sharing your JOY! Your post warmer me and left a smile on my face

linny said...

Love the Joy banner. It is a must do this Christmas season. Thank you for the free pattern.

Margo said...

Love the banner!

pearl said...

I love the simplicity of the joy banner. I'm going to look in my stash for wool. Thank you

Anna said...

Debbie!!! Thank you sooooo much not only for this fabulous banner but I got my 3 Tree pattern in the mail. I am going to be busy this week!

Bridgid said...

OMG Debbie!!! How do you keep coming up with such adorable ideas? I cant wait to get started on this. I just hope I can get it done in time for this Christmas.
I look forward to seeing you at road to California!!! Thank You for the pattern!!!

Unknown said...

im just getting into wool, love it but then my hubbynwould say id sew anything together just to sew Hahaha:-]]] thanks for the chance to win great blog been following for a little while now its great

Susan said...

I love your project, Debbie!! Thanks for the chance to win some joy!

Penny Shepherd said...

Oh what a wonderful Joyful pattern! Thank yo so much Debbie! I cannot wait to stitch this up.

Anonymous said...

Adorable banner. My daughters name is Whitney Joy and she is so much fun and full of life. Joy is a great gift.


Unknown said...

Thank heavens for best friends! Love your banner. Looking forward to stitching it. Janice

Lorene Holbrook said...

Love, love, love your banner!!!! thanks for a chance to win

Anonymous said...

Love your banner Debbie !! Thanks for participating in this great holiday blog hop :)

Glynis said...

I love the JOY banner, thanks so much for the free pattern. I plan on making it within the week.

Phyllis said...

Thank you for the darling JOY banner. I am prepping it after supper and hope to start stitching tomorrow. Merry Christmas!!

Debbie said...

Thank you so much for sharing this darling joy banner pattern. I really love the design. The blog hop has been so much fun so far!

quiltingtaylormade said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win !! Your designs are great and I look forward to making the banner.

herky907 said...

Love the banner, looks like a fun little project. Thank you!

Unknown said...

Love, love, love this!!

Jill said...

Love this! My Mom is Joy and she will love it too!

Unknown said...

Love the banner! Happy Holidays!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing you Joy with us! Wishing you a very Merry C

Dolores said...

Nice project! I too love working with wool. I'm having so much fun with the Primitive Christmas Blog
The cookies look yummy too

Marianne said...

Thank you for sharing your JOY with us! I wish you much Christmas Joy,


Robin B said...

Thank you for the JOY! I love working in wool. It's such a fun project!

Cheryl said...

Thank you so much for the JOY you have given us. I have a cousin named Joy who is an excellent machine quilter. I must make this banner for her. Merry Christmas.

Kathy H said...

Thanks for the pattern, my fiend and I love that motto.

karen@liberty star quilts said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your "Joy" banner...would love to win the kit! Thanks for being so generous!!

carol said...

Love your JOY banner. I have never done anything in WOOL. Shocking I know. Hope it is easy to do.

Rita said...

thank you kindly for sharing your favorite sugar cookie recipe and the sweet banner patterns -- just to stinkin' cute! Ho-Ho-Ho to you, too! Enjoy this holy holiday season!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for the Joy you passed on to all of us wool nuts! I love love love working with wool and I am so delighted to meet a fellow woolie, Thank you.

Marie said...

Can't wait to spread some joy!

Mary A said...

What an uplifting post! Glad you found your "Joy!" Thanks for the give away too!

Debbi said...

Love your post and your pattern. Thank you so much!

Debbie said...

I love your project! I just made the three jars on pedestal bases for my entry way table and these "JOY" letter banners would be perfect to add to the front them on ribbons. I am going to reduce them to the size of the "ho-ho-ho" and away I go! Thanks for the project, recipe and the chance for the giveaway!

Joyful Quilter said...

I love your banner! It's like you made it just for me...hehehe.

Diane said...

Thanks for sharing in the blog hop. Such a sweet banner!

M and M plus 3 said...

Wow, I just found out about the blog hop just now! What a cute banner you've shared. Thank you.

Karen said...

Love the JOY banner! Thank You so much for the sweet story and yummy cookie recipe too. Happy Holidays, and Thank You!
Karen M

wendy said...

Very cute design! Merry Christmas!!!

Suzanne said...

Ho, ho, the joy banner....thanks for sharing your amazing talents with us all!

Sisbabestitches said...

Gorgeously uplifting post :) Love the banner, though I love your attitude even more :)
While I would love to win something joyful from you, I am afraid I am allergic to wool- so if perchance you randomly pick me, bummer, and I am sure your second pick will be thrilled :)

Fran Bianchi said...

I'm new to your blog, and I'm so glad I found you! Thanks for the Chance to win the Joy banner in the give away

Tammy said...

Your blog is new to me..Glad I found you...Beautiful pattern you shared with us..Thank you very very much.

Wendy said...

I love your Joy banner- that seems to be my "word" this year- I've got two different versions of the word but am just getting started in wool and can't wait to make the banner.

Veronica said...

LOVE your "JOY" banner. Can't wait to begin. One of the most amazing things about this Blog Hop is being exposed to new designers, and I love your designs. I will be following your blog from here on. "Joy" to you for sharing! Thank you! :)

Sheryn said...

Thanks for the really great project! and a chance to win your banner.

Unknown said...

Great post! And thank you for blogging. Cute JOY banner. Enjoy your Holidays!

Unknown said...

Beautiful pattern. Thank you!

Kris said...

I love your wool "JOY" banner. I'm really enjoying this blog hop. Keep up the good work!

Mary said...

Lovely pattern, lovely story! I would love to win, as I want to make one of these for each of my girls. Thanks so much!

Risa said...

Thank you for your Joy banner, reminding me of the angel telling the shepherds, Behold, I bring you good tidings of great Joy! My husband and I wrote a Christmas play years ago about a little girl named Joy and titled it Embracing Joy. Sounds like you've learned how to embrace Joy in your life too!

Teri said...

Hi Debbie: Getting caught up on the Blog Hop now that I have returned home. Love the JOY banner, will definitely print for future making...unless I win, then I will do right away!! :-) Merry Christmas to all at the Busby's home. Hugs

Unknown said...

Love the Joy cute. Happy holidays to you and your family.

Lori L said...

What a sweet banner. I too have a fellow quilter friend named Joy and could make this for her as a Christmas present. Thanks for sharing the pattern. Now to find some wool!!!!

Bev said...

Thanks for the free pattern and cookie receipe! I will have to make both. Merry Christmas to you!

Nancy said...

What a joyful post, Debbie! I love your enthusiasm. Thank you for the banner pattern.

mary linderud said...

Thank you for sharing your wonderful holiday banners. Mary

Anonymous said...

Charming, Thanks

Faith, Fabric and Fur said...

Love the JOY pattern. Also, love the hexie holiday picture on your blog - way too cute!

Faith, Fabric and Fur said...

Love the JOY pattern. Also, love the hexie holiday picture on your blog - way too cute!

Karen said...

Thank you for the Joy banner pattern. It is definitely going right on my to do list!

Angiebaby said...

Can't wait to make the banner and bake up some of them yummy cookies! Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

Merci beaucoup pour le partage
happy christmas
gigi France

Jan T said...

Like Like Double Like the JOY banner

susanj said...

Thank you for the terrific banner patter-you do have a way with wool! Can't wait to try the cookie recipe-

Donna W said...

Thanks for the "JOY" you brought into our lives today.

Friendship Crossing said...

LOVE your 'JOY' banner, how cute and I hope to make it soon!!
Thanks so very much!
Pick me, pick me ~ LOL


Tricia said...

Thank you for sharing the "JOY"!

Jill said...

Super cute banner and love the ho, ho, ho one too. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

I just love the banner so cute

Christi said...

Wow...this is adorable! I love your work.

cjpike (at) indiana (dot) edu

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for the cute patterns, Debbie. Your designs are always so great and the patterns so clear and well written. Thanks for your generosity and Merry Christmas!
Claire in Victoria

Quiltingmama said...

Lovely banner, thank you for the pattern and giveaway!

Quiltingmama said...

Lovely banner, thank you for the pattern and giveaway!

Deb said...

What a wonderful banner, thank you so much and your cookie recipe looks delicious! Thanks for sharing!

Sandy said...

Darling banner....thanks for sharing with us!

Folktales said...

Love your "Joy" Banner! So generous of you to share such a great design. Always enjoy your creativity.

Joni said...

Cute banner! Thank you!

loves2quilt said...

Love the Joy banner - Thank you for the pattern!

teresa said...

Oh I LOVE your project! Thanks for sharing and Merry Christmas!

Sherry said...

I love your Joy banner and I will put it on the top of my list for projects. It is a theme I have a my house when decorating for Christmas.

KrisD said...

Such a cute, joyful banner that you're sharing with us. Thank you and Merry Christmas!

craigandlissa said...

Thank you so much for such a great post and the wonderful JOY and HO HO HO banners! Love them both. I think I have enough time to squeeze out a JOY banner for a friend. Thanks again for sharing. Merry, merry Christmas!!!

Debbie Busby said...

Thank you for all your warm and kind comments!! It's been so wonderful to see so many enjoying and joining together all with a common bond!! May your Christmas be Merry and Joyful!! Keep Stitching and Visit again soon!!!

Congratulations to Connie Spalding!! Her name was drawn for the Joy Banner Kit Giveaway!!

daisydilly (vicki) said...

Thank you for the Joy pattern. I know its late but I just found you :)